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Our Major Machines and their capabilities.

3D Printing

One of the workhorse machines that we use is a heavily upgraded Raised3d Pro2 industrial 3D printer. With Dual Liquid cooled hotends (up to 450c) and a heated enclosure, we are now capable of printing in much higher grade materials than most printers.

With a 305x305x300mm working area, 5 micron repeatability, and 10 micron Z layer resolution, this printer is a heavily utilized and capable tool.

The printer is the first thing that sees newly modeled prototypes.


It is a reliable way to:

Make working parts.
Test fit and clearance of working designs.
Make work holding devices and other jigs.

CNC Mill 

The most prized tool in our shop is the CNC Mill.

It has been converted from a manual mill and will soon have a custom 4th (X rotation) axis.

It now features:

new ball screws on the X and Y axis.
Linear glass scales on the X and Y.
powerful stepper motors on all axis.
Is controlled by MACH3.

This mill has come along with plenty of learning. At this time we are consistently within .003" on all tolerances on the first finishing pass but very soon we'll be chasing tenths. 

CNC Router Table

The Router Table gives us the ability to machine almost any material but with a work dimension at up to 33"x33"x4".

The CNC Router table is an in house heavily modified Shapeoko XXL by Carbide3D. It has a 3hp variable speed spindle and has been also upgraded to screw drive. Finally, it has greatly been stiffened by the use of a thick Aluminum fixture plate.

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